After a Bachelor obtained in development of digital level solutions. I wish to pursue with a master in public relations, press relations and events. An environment that fascinates me and in which I want to continue my studies. I am therefore looking for a work-study program for September 2020.
I'm always interested in hearing about new propositions, so if you'd like to chat please get in touch.
During my apprenticeship at the Mazarine agency, my mission was to develop the new pages of the Chanel mode site. These were the new collection pages, haute couture pages, etc. I also took care of updating these pages and developing the site. Working on such a project allowed me to increase my reactivity, my rigor, my organization and my perfectionist side to optimize my work.
This project consisted of imagining and developing a weather application in one day using the api yahoo weather. I imagined the design and developed the appilication. The languages i have used are Html, Css, Javascript, Json.
Web documentary project on the filter bubble, algorithms and big data. The experience is personalized according to the user's responses and his responses allow us at the end to draw up a profile of who he is on the internet and what he does there. For this project I mainly used React and js with several different packages and libraries.
Landing page made for a voice assistant project for FranceTv allowing you to be your own sports commentator and listen to sports comments from other people in the community.
Data Viz project where we can visualize a retrospective of the Olympic games with a time navigation thanks to a timeline. All data is updated according to the year you choose. For this project I mainly used React and js with several different packages and libraries like chart.js for graphics.
This project consisted of imagining and developing a cinema application in one day using the 'The Movie Database' API. The goal is to put touch-sensitive tablets in the queue of a movie theater so that the client can see the latest movies and the next movies. I developed the application using the languages Html, Css, Javascript, Json.
This project involved imagining and developing an online toy site via Wordpress using Woocommerce and the Storefront theme. We chose to make wooden toys for children. It took me completely to rethink and modify the theme so that it corresponds to the model of the site. For that I used the languages Html, Css, Javascript and Php.
This project consisted in imagining and developing a site in the form of a playlist gathering videos on the same theme. Everything is fully dynamic and changes automatically with each video change. For that I used the languages Html, Css, Javascript.
This project consisted of redesigning the site 'Start game' to give it a more retro-gaming oriented design. The site has been completely redesigned and developed using Html, Css, Javascript and Php.
This is my old personal portfolio. I realized it at the end of my first year of DUT MMI as part of a year-end project. I imagined the design and developed my portfolio myself. But my tastes and my skills having evolved, I decided to redo my site.